Rotamap 2017 autumn event
October 2017
Our 2017 Autumn event took place at the Library of Birmingham on the 5th October.

The Library of Birmingham and Support sessions during lunch
Tom and Emma from the Rotamap team began the day with a discussion on the benefits of situational awareness; both within individual teams and also when collaborating with other departments, and how Rotamap’s services are facilitating this through mapping.
Our guest speakers Dr Max Hodges and Dr Nick Parry (Consultant Anaesthetists from the Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust) presented on how greater situational awareness has improved practice in their department. They shared their creative, cost-efficient way of improving mentoring for trainees, leading to discussions on best practice in mentoring and the need to incorporate innovative thinking. They emphasised the importance of consultants playing a role in improving the management of departments.

Dr Max Hodges and Dr Nick Parry, Consultant Anaesthetists, The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust
Peter from the Rotamap team then led a session showcasing the latest features to be released on our services, which led to discussions on how departments are making use of recently added features, along with suggestions for future features.

Discussion at the 2017 Birmingham event
After lunch, Nico from the Rotamap team led a discussion on plans to link with external systems. This led to conversations around the 'gap' that exists between bureaucratic systems and clinical practice - an interesting topic to which both administrators and clinicians contributed.
Jacob from Rotamap presented the final session, focusing on how departments can make use of service reports from our services to gain a better overview of their activity. Those present were able to compare their own departments against those at other NHS Trusts. The final point to be made was that simply being aware of the trends and patterns in a department is not enough to bring about improvement of the service - that awareness is only the first step.