CLWRota Annual Forum 2012
13 September 2012
Our fourth annual Forum was held on the 13th of September in the Henry Wellcome Auditorium at the Wellcome Collection in London. The event was attended by over 90 delegates from over 35 NHS trusts.
The Forum gave both existing users of the system and those considering taking the system on the opportunity to learn more about the current status of CLWRota and our current and future development plans. The Forum is also a valuable opportunity for those responsible for their department's operation to meet others with similar concerns.
The event comprised of a review of CLWRota's evolution and upcoming strategy. Two presentations were given by current users of the system. Members of the CLWRota team discussed the latest inter-department benchmark reports and previews of upcoming changes to CLWRota. The new Rotamap brand was introduced. The day ended with an informal discussion period and drinks.
Comparing the use of CLWRota at two NHS Trusts
Stewart Nisbet, Directorate Manager of Surgery Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust (formerly directorate manager, East Kent Hospitals Trust) -
Department benchmarking data sharing initiative
Chaired by Dr Simon Clarke, Consultant Anaesthetist, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust -
Using CLWRota to manage department efficiency
Dr William Wight, Clinical Director, Anaesthetics Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust -
Benchmarking, new developments and Medirota
Presentations by the CLWRota team included discussion of the latest inter-department benchmarks, the benefits of our new Rota Management Console (RotaMC) messaging, and a case study of our rostering system for surgery, Medirota.
Please go to the benchmarking page to learn more about the September 2012 benchmarking results.

Watch Dr William Wight's talk at the Autumn 2012 event